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Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Sickness, and Stray Dogs

It has been 3 days since I posted anything. It's been a long 3 days being sick and dealing with things. Things of which I choose not to speak. That being said.

You know when your sitting at home and you see a poor little stray puppy dog who is in need of great care. So you take this puppy in out of pity, you give it a bath, brush it clean, feed it, give it water, and give it a warm comfy place to stay.

And for a few days that little puppy brings some joy into your meaningless life, forcing you to smile and laugh in a sad cruel word.

Yet after a while the cute cuddly puppy you felt so sorry for starts pissing in the house, chewing on your shoes and destroying you furniture. Slowly that joy that the puppy brought you changes to frustration, which then turns to anger, which then forces you to pick up the phone to the county animal shelter to pick up the stray and take it away.

Do you think they have a service like this for humans? If so please let me know. I am going to need that number. I have a stray I need taken out of my life.

Sent from Yuki Ookami's CrackBerry®


D22 Zone said...

Ahh you're quite a caring person! Hope you get better soon!

Archon6 said...

All dogs are chaos when they're young

Polybius said...

I think there's child support. Try and see if that works.

DK said...

then its time for obedience school

Every Day said...

its usually just a phase that will pass. dogs are really caring of their owners when they grow a little older and have been taken care of properly.

Yuki Ookami said...

You guys do realize that my "dog" that I need picked isn't a dog, its a human.

synoptixs said...

I'm also curious if there is a service like this

kaboomix said...

Im sure if you contact the right people they can take care of your source of frustration.

Unrelated Randomness

sfxworks said...

3 days
of death D:

Meltedsnowgirl said...

Nope no service like that for humans.

Puppies can easily be trained though. Too bad humans cant